journey through web development

Month: October 2020

October reads

I haven’t done the monthly reads for a really long time, but as I’ve recently purchased a kindle ebook reader, and along with new uni year, I have made through quite a lot of good books this past month. I guess they might be worth sharing.

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My top tips to stay on top of your life and don’t go crazy

Hello, beautiful people of the internet. How’s the life going?
Mine, as you can probably deduct from lack of posts in the recent months, is very busy, engaging and demanding. New job, second year of uni, very active 4 year old and a global pandemic on top of all that!
But I don’t write that as an excuse or for someone to pat me on the back.

If you’ve ever thought how on Earth I am able to manage working, attending full-time uni and taking care or a child… the truth is- sometimes I don’t. You can’t give 100% of yourself to all of those things at once. (Ok, maybe a Wonder Woman could, but I’m definitely not her.) You need to choose where you need to be most, but sometimes things slips through…
It’s so easy to feel like there is too much going on around, and a cartoony steam will go out of your ears any minute now… Instant access and constant flow of various information adds up to the mix.
And that’s why I’ve written down my go to solutions to reduce stress-load to a minimum. I hope it will be helpful to someone.

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